Asteroid Categories

In Far From Home, the universe is teeming with a rich variety of asteroids, each category presenting unique set of prospects for explorers.

In the vast and dynamic universe of Far From Home, miners are invited to explore and exploit a richly diverse array of asteroids, each presenting its own set of unique opportunities and challenges. These celestial entities are integral to the game's universe, extending far beyond their physical presence as mere space debris. They represent complex ecosystems, each holding the key to untold resources for miners to explore and exploit. Navigating through these diverse celestial landscapes, miners must strategize their approach to mining and resource management while also adapting their techniques and equipment to the unique conditions of each asteroid type.

The asteroids serve as a critical component of the economy and technological progression. The resources gleaned from these space rocks fuel the expansion of civilizations across the universe, driving technological advancements, and shaping the political and economic landscape. Miners find themselves at the forefront of a space-age gold rush, where their successes and failures can have far-reaching impacts on their journey across the universe.

This guide provides an overview of some of the primary asteroid types that miners will encounter. However, it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list. The universe of the Far From Home is ever-expanding, and with it, the variety of asteroids. As explorers venture deeper into unknown territories, they may discover new, uncharted asteroids and compositions, offering even more diverse resources and challenges. Explorers are encouraged to document their discoveries, as the universe is rich with possibilities, far beyond what is covered in this guide.

Asteroid Type M

Metallic, or Type M asteroids, are remnants of protoplanetary cores, rich in dense metallic elements. They are the primary source of raw materials for constructing large-scale space infrastructure and habitats. Mining these asteroids is a complex and energy-intensive process, requiring powerful equipment and advanced techniques. The high density and hard composition of these asteroids make them challenging to process but incredibly rewarding. They are often located in the inner regions of star systems and are hotspots for mining corporations and miners looking to acquire wealth and resources. The extraction and refining of metals from these asteroids driving technological advancements and fueling the expansion of human civilization across the cosmos.

Asteroid Type S

Silicaceous, or Type S asteroids, are predominantly made up of silicate minerals intermixed with various metals in oxidized forms. They are the most common type of asteroids encountered in the inner rings of star systems. These asteroids provide a wide range of materials necessary for the construction of space habitats, life support systems, and agricultural initiatives in space. Their abundance and relative ease of mining make them ideal targets for explorers starting their mining journey or operating with limited resources. Extracting resources from these asteroids requires less energy compared to Type M asteroids, making them accessible to a broader range of miners. The strategic importance of Type S asteroids lies in their ability to supply the fundamental building blocks for sustaining and expanding human presence in space, playing a crucial role in the colonization and development of new worlds in the universe.

Asteroid Type C

Type C asteroids are like floating relics of the early star system, offering a rare glimpse into the formation of celestial bodies. These carbon-rich asteroids are abundant in the outer star systems, beckoning miners to venture into the depths of space. They are characterized by a dark, carbonaceous surface, making them less reflective and more challenging to locate. Unlike other asteroid types, Type C asteroids are particularly valued for their high content of organic compounds and hydrated minerals. These materials are key for synthesizing life-support essentials and complex organic molecules, making them vital for long-term space colonization and survival.

Asteroid Type E

Type E asteroids are unique in their high content of enstatite, a mineral that gives these asteroids a characteristic bright, reflective surface. Located often in the inner regions of star systems, they are easier to spot but challenging to mine due to their dense silicate structure. These asteroids are invaluable for miners seeking materials for advanced optical and electronic components, as enstatite's reflective properties are ideal for manufacturing sophisticated sensors and communication devices.

Asteroid Type F

Named F-Type or Ferruginous asteroids due to their rich iron oxide composition, these celestial bodies are the backbone of space metallurgy in the universe. Characterized by their distinct reddish-brown hue, they are primarily composed of minerals like hematite and magnetite, with traces of nickel, cobalt, and chromium enhancing their value. The surface of these asteroids is rugged and rust-like, reflecting their iron-rich nature. They exhibit a strong magnetic activity that makes them easily detectable by spacecraft sensors.

Asteroid Type D

Type D asteroids represent an intriguing class of celestial objects, most commonly found in the outer reaches of the star systems. Distinguished by their dark, carbon-rich composition, these asteroids are of particular interest to miners involved in space exploration and resource extraction. From an economic standpoint, these asteroids are valuable for their potential to synthesize complex organic molecules, vital for advanced material production. Extracting resources from Type D asteroids involves overcoming their tough, carbon-rich exteriors. Miners must equip their spacecraft with specialized mining equipment capable of handling these challenging conditions.

Asteroid Type R

Type R asteroids, also known as rubble piles, are conglomerations of various materials, making them unpredictable but potentially rewarding to mine. These asteroids pose a unique challenge due to their unstable structure, requiring careful extraction techniques to avoid collapses or material loss. They are often targets for miners seeking a wide range of materials, as their composition can vary dramatically. Mining Type R asteroids is akin to a cosmic treasure hunt, where players can unexpectedly come across valuable minerals, metals, or even rare compounds.

*The detailed asteroid composition distribution will be revealed in future versions of the Galactopedia. These values represent the current state of the alpha version and may not accurately reflect the final game balance.

Note: This Galactopedia entry is based on known data up to 2023 and may be subject to revisions with newer discoveries. It serves as a comprehensive guide for travelers, engineers, and enthusiasts alike, ensuring that knowledge remains accessible to all.

Last updated